
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Symposium Classes - Gwen Marston

My first class was a two day class with Gwen Marston, Small Studies.  It would have to be one of the best classes I've ever done.  Gwen is such a generous teacher.  

By morning tea we'd realised that Wellington had experienced a reasonable sized earthquake.  The class was mostly people from the Wellington region so we got a range of updates.

By the end of the first day I'd completed a small piece.

It measures 18x25cm, so quite small!


I'd previously looked at Gwen's '37 Sketches' book and didn't think I needed to buy it, by morning tea on the first day I'd raced off to the Merchants Mall and purchased it.  

While the book has mostly pictures, reading it is like have Gwen standing behind you and guiding you through the techniques.

Here is my second piece:

It started off very beige but the colour just kept on creeping in.  It measures 19x22cm.


Gwen had an exhibition at the Taupo Museum featuring the quilts in her book as well as larger ones.  


During the class she showed us some other quilts.

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